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Mohammed El Amraoui was born in Fez in 1964 and has lived in Lyon since 1989. A poet, translator and performer, he writes in French and Arabic and frequently collaborates with musicians and artists. He is often invited in international festivals of poetry. He has published a number of books, cds and artist’s books, including De ce côté-ci et alentour, (That side and surrounding), L’Idée bleue, 2006, The window, Sunday and the other days (in Arabic) Fadâ’ât, Amman, 2007, Récits, partitions et photographies, (Narratives, partitions and photos), La Passe du vent, 2007, Accouchement des choses, (Delivery of things), Dumerchez, 2008.

Une tortue dans ma tête- Una tartaruga in testa, French-italien (A turtle in the head), éd. Tipolito Ellegrafica, Gaeta, Italie, 2010, Ex. suivi de Pierres-Hajar (livre-cd), (Ex. followed by Stone), éd. Fidel Anthelme X, 2013

Des moineaux dans la tête,‘Asâfîrun fî ar-ra’s, عصافير في الرأس arabic-french (Sparrows in the head), peintures de Fanny Batt, 2016.

He translates Arabic poetry into French and has published, among others, poetry of Saleh Diab, Anas Alaili and an anthology of contemporary Moroccan poetry.



 “Mohammed El Amraoui writes, speaks, and reads French. / Mohammed El Amraoui writes, speaks, and reads Arab. / Mohammed El Amraoui invents his own images, and syntactical and grammatical strategies. / Mohammed El Amraoui avoids conventional words; he has created ‘a fire at the tip of the tongue’ and discovered that the “sun is a bit weak’.” [B. Bretonnière] 

Poems in english (see "Traductions en anglais")

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